Frequently Asked Questions

What is the exact time for the paper submission deadline?

The paper submission DEADLINES ARE IN PACIFIC TIME ZONE (11:59 PM)

I would like to register for ICIAP 2021 What do I need to do?

Registration instructions will be available on the website as soon as possible, stay tuned.

Can I upload a pre-print to a non-commercial server like ArXiv/CoRR and similar?

Prior versions of the Contribution published on non-commercial pre-print servers like ArXiv/CoRR and HAL can remain on these servers and/or can be updated with Author’s accepted version. The final published version (in pdf or html/xml format) cannot be used for this purpose. Acknowledgment needs to be given to the final publication and a link must be inserted to the published Contribution on the Publisher’s website, by inserting the DOI number of the article in the following sentence: “The final authenticated publication is available online at https://doi.org/[insert DOI]”.
Author retains the right to use his/her Contribution for his/her further scientific career by including the final published paper in his/her dissertation or doctoral thesis provided acknowledgment is given to the original source of publication. Author also retains the right to use, without having to pay a fee and without having to inform the Publisher, parts of the Contribution (e.g. illustrations) for inclusion in future work.

Can I publish an extended version of the Iciap accepted paper to a journal?

Authors may publish an extended version of their proceedings paper as a journal article provided the following principles are adhered to: a) the extended version includes at least 30% new material, b) the original publication is cited, and c) it includes an explicit statement about the increment (e.g., new results, better description of materials, etc.).

How does the paper submission in 2 phases work?

Authors can submit their works either to round 1 or 2. If they submit their works to round 1 the reviews will be made available before round 2 will start.

Accepted manuscripts will go directly in the conference program. Rejected manuscripts can be revised by the authors and submitted to round 2. Anyway, a manuscript can be directly submitted to round 2.

Is the manuscript submission procedure open?

Detailed instructions for manuscript submission are available at https://www.iciap2021.org/call-for-paper/

Do you have any author kit provided for submission? I noticed you provided a link with Springer's template which requires author-name but your conference is double-blinded.

There is no specific kit for the double-blind version. Authors should just leave blank names and affiliations in the template provided by Springer.

I have a paper at ICIAP2021 and a Tutorial, do I have to pay the registration fee?

YES. The tutorial will only waive the fee if you are at ICIAP  ONLY to organize the tutorial; if you have an accepted contribution, standard rules apply.

My tutorial has X (X>1)speakers, do I get X free registrations?

NO. For each tutorial a single free registration is provided.

I wanted to get more information about the process of the Virtual Poster Session as shown in https://www.iciap2021.org/eventagenda/, . When will be more details available about this event and what/how we would need to prepare for it?

Detailed instructions about poster and oral presentations will be made available soon.

I have checked the agenda on the ICIAP website, and there is stated that they are in the virtual poster session. Does this means that we have to present them remotely even if coming to the conference?

yes, all the posters will be presented virtually through the proper “Artifact center” provided by Whova. Printed posters are not required (for avoiding creating gatherings within the conference venues).

May I know which COVID rules are in place regarding the conference/venue;

Please visit url: https://www.salute.gov.it/